학술대회 자료실

NFT 시장의 미술품 가치평가와 작품의 소유권에 대한 연구

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
조회 76회 작성일 24-02-21 13:23


In the existing domestic art market, value is measured based on the uniqueness of the artwork and the artist's signature. However, such value determination is not suitable for objectively pricing artworks, making it difficult for buyers to assess a fair price and causing problems such as illegal transactions. In order to explore the issues arising from the rapid growth of the NFT market in a short period of time, how the interaction between NFTs and art affects the valuation of art, and the perception of ownership in the NFT market, this study analyzed the factors affecting the valuation of art NFTs and the perception of ownership by examining prior research on NFTs and art valuation, news articles, and opinions of blockchain and art market experts. The results are as follows First, the "scarcity" assessed in the value of NFTs has a significant impact on their sale value. Second, if the ownership of the original artwork and the NFT are not distinguished, it may cause difficulties in determining the value of the artwork and identifying the rightful owner.
