학술대회 자료실

이정현 - 디자인 문제해결력 향상을 위한 창의적 사고기법 활용 연구

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
조회 296회 작성일 19-12-18 19:14


The role of design and designer is changing as we enter the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is the basis of creativity and convergence. The design process, which had previously been able to solve by itself, has become a must for collaboration and collaboration with other majors. Therefore, today's designer competencies want people with creative thinking and application skills that reflect the diverse values demanded by the knowledge society.

In this study, we are looking for repeatable learning and application possible methods based on the integrated thinking and diffusion of convergent thinking necessary for solving design problems in self-directed learning. Based on existing prior research, the research method integrated and applied the type of creative thinking technique based on design thinking to utilize basic education of visual design, and verified the influence of learner satisfaction, self-efficiency, expression of ideas, and presentation. This can be expected to help improve design thinking skills and design problem solving skills.
