학술대회 자료실
박재현 - 농촌 재생프로그램 국가정책 동향에 관한 연구
페이지 정보
조회 286회 작성일 19-12-20 06:44
As the country's population is rapidly decreasing due to the rapid birth rate and aging population, the problem of inflow of rural population of local governments has become a task at the level of the central government, not just a specific region. Until now, if urban traffic, housing, and environmental problems have been the centers of social problems, it is important to note that the proportion of the elderly population is increasing, especially among the declining population and a small population. The gradual increase in the rural population and the decline in the real workforce can be a major obstacle for local governments to concentrate on local projects. This study confirms the program announcement related to the rural regeneration in 2019 by the Public Procurement Service 'Korea ON-Line E-Procurement System', in which the central government and local governments entrust their experts for regional revitalization. The purpose of this study is to examine which keywords are being approached while operating a rural regeneration program to revitalize rural areas. What are the focus on rural rehabilitation and the key keywords that have high utilization? Then, it is helpful to set the direction of the issues to be considered in consideration of these factors.
농촌 재생프로그램 국가정책 동향에 관한 연구.pdf (371.2K)
23회 다운로드 | DATE : 2019-12-20 06:44:00