학술대회 자료실
지승열, 김미경 - 사용자 생체정보를 활용한 공간 설계 방법에 관한 연구
페이지 정보
조회 291회 작성일 19-12-20 06:49
In modern metropolis-oriented societies, the market economic logic of capital is reducing the space available for individuals in the city, increasing the population in the blind spot of architectural welfare. In the living environment that is less than the minimum space, we will conduct research that uses brain waves, which are human biometric information, to reflect them in the design. The purpose of this study is to derive the emotional information about the space existing in VR through the EEG data and to reflect it in part of the design. In particular, the alternatives produced in the process of automatically changing the shape of the EEG data into the insertion variable using parametric design as a technique for changing the shape are limited to being operated in the CAD system of the design related field. Since it is difficult to identify the corresponding alternatives, it is necessary to work with VR, a virtual reality environment. Through an immersive environment like VR, you can intuitively experience the changing alternative process of parametric design and conduct experiments to simulate what needs to change. Based on the following preceding theories, this paper intends to proceed with the process that reflects the batch process of parametric design through the EEG-based biometric information as an insertion variable.
사용자 생체정보를 활용한 공간 설계 방법에 관한 연구.pdf (4.4M)
19회 다운로드 | DATE : 2019-12-20 06:49:00