학술대회 자료실
박겨울 - 상업 디자인과 순수 예술
페이지 정보
조회 288회 작성일 19-12-20 06:50
The word “design” is a foreign language that is too friendly and familiar to modern Koreans. In modern times, design is used in various ways in various ways. Design in almost every field, from web design, architectural design, costume design, horticultural design and interior design to aviation design, plays an indispensable role. Many scholars say that “Design” originates from the word “decino”. However, until modern times, design was as widely accepted as it was today and had no concept. Compared to the so-called “art” field, the design for commercial purposes was not well suited to its passion and genius, and was one field until it was disregarded upstream. However, no matter how much “design” is in the interests of the company (or the company), even though its purity is lower than that of art dedicated to fighting spirit with passion, there are examples that have value as art objects in modern times. There are many. Versace and Givenchy dresses, avant-garde patterns and numerous buildings. Next, on what basis are these artefacts and art clearly distinguished? In this study, I will try to study the point where such artifacts are distinguished from art, using some design departments as examples.
상업 디자인과 순수 예술.pdf (370.3K)
19회 다운로드 | DATE : 2019-12-20 06:50:00