학술대회 자료실
김동배 - 시대와 문화에 따른 색상의 주요 의미와 변화 현상
페이지 정보
조회 284회 작성일 19-12-20 06:51
In this study, we first look at the image and symbolic meaning of colors through colors, and study the trends of color change according to the times through the fashion field in which the trend of color change is applied most sensitively and rapidly with the flow of colors used according to the times. do. The colors we perceive visually have been used steadily from the past to the present, and in the past, limited colors were used according to the meaning of the culture, economy, technology, and colors of the times, but today, various colors are used regardless of the past. It is used in the field according to the characteristics of the field. In addition, there has been an image reminiscent of symbolic meanings and colors in the past, and colors that are popular according to the culture, trends, and economies of that era are becoming more diverse. In addition, various colors are applied according to individual's inclination and preferences, which means that colors are becoming more meaningless than in the past.
시대와 문화에 따른 색상의 주요 의미와 변화 현상.pdf (468.8K)
19회 다운로드 | DATE : 2019-12-20 06:51:00