학술대회 자료실
김경실 - 일러스트레이션 트랜드에 따른 디지털 미디어 시대의 일러스트 산업의 고찰
페이지 정보
조회 286회 작성일 19-12-20 06:57
The age of the fourth industry is often called the age of convergence. Illustration, which used to serve as a tool for communication in the past, is now converging with various industries to expand its meaning and use. Using the Internet and social media, writers are easily exposing their works, and the nation's boundaries are also falling apart. Works are being used in various fields such as exhibition, publication and product production. We analyzed the trend and current address of how this illustration industry separated from the field of art and settled into a single genre. For modern people, who have become accustomed to mechanization and automation in the rapidly changing digital media age, illustration comes to a new meaning not only as a driving force for purchasing, but also as a warm comfort and a stimulating emotion. In the domestic market, we have explored the factors that are lacking in the domestic market through overseas examples and analyzed the trend of illustration trend to find the future direction of development of the domestic illustration industry.
일러스트레이션 트랜드에 따른 디지털 미디어 시대의 일러스트 산업의 고찰.pdf (5.6M)
21회 다운로드 | DATE : 2019-12-20 06:57:00