학술대회 자료실

전지은 - 패션소비 트렌드 변화에 따른 여성복 스타일 연구

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
조회 290회 작성일 19-12-20 06:57


Due to the development of information technology and mobile technology in one-way store sales of fashion brands at home and abroad, the sales channels of both domestic and foreign brands have changed rapidly. It is not a single sales channel that is purchased online after offline experience, but it is changing according to buyers' tendency to leave offline and value diverse experiences and experiences. In particular, the reproduction and consumption of information through SNS has rapidly emerged as an important marketing and sales channel that brands should not overlook in the mobile era. Therefore, we will conduct a study on the styles of representative brands by price positioning group, which found a breakthrough through the exchange of various sales channels, beyond the problem of high-priced and low-priced brand polarization, which has emerged as a problem for domestic fashion brands, to identify the designs suitable for each sales channel and help increase sales. In addition, through this study, we want to identify the types of sales that are focused on the flagship brands of the positioning group to help determine marketing and sales channels based on brand identity.
