학술대회 자료실

사물인터넷 커뮤니케이션의 인터랙티브성과 캐릭터 적용 연구

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
조회 323회 작성일 16-07-25 12:04



Internet technology, which realized the modern global society, is focusing on connecting a person to data and things. In the process, number of devices increased geometrically. Following 2010, 12 billion pieces of smart phones and tablets are being used. Internet, which was begun with two units of computer, is now linking more than 12 billion pieces of devices. What is connected mutually among things that exist in the material world of today is not yet 1%. Given being linked the remaining 99% here, how much will our world be changed? Internet will be connected to 400~500 devices in the future. Thus, the data quantity of coming out from it is unimaginable. Everything in the world will be linked. It is also expected the application of a relative object available for directly confronting in order to connect a person to data and things. The object for connection may be a form of graphic and is linked to character graphic, which is continuously developing now. Thus, unimaginable outcomes are expected to be able to be derived as thinking. Internet in the past was the main agent that only a human being uses. But the direction to which future internet will point will be come the era that is connected all things that we have, contents and internet as well as a human being. This study aims to suggest possibility of new information communication with linking a thing and a person by using communication technology in terms of contents in character industry based on the interactive of IoT(Internet of Things) communication.
