학술대회 자료실

사물인터넷 기반 사용자경험디자인의 정보구조 연구

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
조회 325회 작성일 16-07-25 11:30



Current Internet of Things (IoT: Internet of Things) technology has become a global issue in the IT sector and related industries. The new paradigm of the Internet has exceeded the ubiquitous innovation. Computer, people, and things should complete one virtual communication. IoT technologies are repeated innovations. Beyond the simple step of technology development and creating new economic sectors. IoT technology has the power to change the economic structure of the current B2B & B2C markets.

Objective research for the user of the communication elements apart are lacking. This study is a systematic study to examine the relationship between UX design conforms IoT technologies and social communication, accordingly. The new building will be a UX design communication technology research perspective.
