학술대회 자료실

웹툰 원작 웹드라마에서 나타나는 연출적 특징

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
조회 435회 작성일 16-07-25 12:02



Content is changing as changing device. Webtoon is one of them. Derecting way of webtoon is changed on smartphone device circumstance. Webdrama also can be one of them. Web drama is soup opera on web. It is still finding what it is. Through features of direction, webdrama can be found its main feature. Webtoon also found its main feature through vertical scroll with mouse. Only webtoon has that feature. Webdrama is ‘B drama’ like ‘B movie’. Many things are tried in there. Web drama ‘Jilpoong Gihoek’ tried many things. It’s from webtoon ‘Jilpoong Gihoek’. It tell story about people who working marketing strategy company. In webtoon, characters fly between a building to a building. It can be because it is comics. In webdrama, characters also fly between a building to a building. These features are belonged in comics. Through this study, the way of application way webtoon to webdrama is revealed.
