학술대회 자료실

안동포마을 관광 활성화를 위한 방향성 연구

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
조회 128회 작성일 22-07-18 20:56


안동포마을 관광 활성화를 위한 방향성 연구 

Directional study for revitalization of Andongpo village Tourism 


주저자 : 김점선 (Kim, Jum Sun) 국민대학교 테크노디자인전문대학원 스마트경험디자인학과 석사과정

교신저자 : 반영환 (Pan, Young Hwan) 국민대학교 테크노디자인전문대학원 스마트경험디자인학과 교수 /


It is important not to choose one between the traditional village and the present development, but to create an environment in which the traditional village can be continuously preserved and inherited through the fusion of the two. Considering the economic factors that can be utilized by the traditional village, it was decided that it would be appropriate to make it a tourist destination. The opinions of residents living in the traditional village and the opinions of tourists visiting the traditional village were surveyed, and based on this, a study was conducted to revitalize the traditional village. Hemp and hemp were selected as elements to improve as a tourist destination. First, hemp is cultivated inside the village to increase the visual effect and create a space for rest. Second, we develop food and experiences using hemp seeds and hemp oil by harvesting hemp seeds. Third, 3D images are used so that the experiencer can experience the loom at any time. These will help to revitalize the traditional village as a tourist destination.  

Traditional village(전통 마을),Cdonservation of inheritance(계승 보존)
