학술대회 자료실

NFT 커뮤니티 소속감 증진을 위한 가상공간 플랫폼 활용 연구

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자
조회 44회 작성일 23-10-17 15:37


While NFT has dominated the headlines in the last two years, the debate over the actual value of the NFTs have continued, with no clear answer. In this paper, we strive to suggest one of the ways to reinforce psychological value to the underlying tokens. NFT, as one of the derivatives of blockchain technology, has quickly developed its own quirks and peculiarity since the mid-2010s when it was first conceived. The more complex as the NFT markets got, the more delicate the needs of the NFT consumer and the producers became. For example, NFT has developed a culture of community around its tokens, and the exchange of information and hierarchy system within this said community has proven extremely important, not just for the community support, but also going on to determine the actual value of the NFT itself. Within these hierarchical community, one of the accepted means of social advancement is through fulfilling whitelist missions. This draws a lot of parallel to how luxury conglomerates operate and reinforce their aura of exclusivity. We have taken inspiration from this to see if we can create a luxurious experience online through the usage of Whitelist, in order to imbue more value to the underlying NFT tokens.
