
논문제목CNN과 OpenPose 라이브러리를 활용한 실시간 수화 통역기
영문A Real Time Interpreter of Sign Language using CNN and OpenPose Library
Artificial Intelligent(AI) technology has shown a rapid development in recent years. With such a development, numerous businesses release commercialized devices equipped with AI. As the number of products including AI technology increases, it becomes an indispensable element in our lives. Recently, the AI products have been released in various forms not only for the general consumers but also for the disables who might have some troubles in their daily life. But this kind of products mostly focus on the blinds (and offer support in the matter of the sense of touch and sound.) For this reason, we made a real-time interpreter of sign language for the deaf using OpenPose library which extracts the feature using CNN and RNN. In order to verify its feasibiliy, we processed a test with the digit 0 to 9 and printed the output above the hand on the screen. As a result, it has been confirmed that our AI is able to accurately recognize each numerical value represented by sign language. If this can also differentiate consonants, vowels, words and even various sentences used in real life, it is expected that this will be worthwhile not only for the disables who have the difficulty in conversation with diverse people, but also for non-disabled people.