초록 | This study examines the visual language of memorial activities for COVID-19 victims and seeks to visualize data of death. There are differences in the culture and behavior of East and West memorial services, but the condolences can be said to be ‘a medium of memory.’ Cherish memory in the past was built as a monument or memorial hall, but recently, memorial activities have also appeared in public parks and squares, and online memorial services have also been held in digital spaces. Most of the visualizations of the memorial focused on ‘individuality.’ The text that explains the name, age, and what kind of person he was as a personal subject is a visual language that must be revealed for memorial purposes. In addition, The 'relationship' should also be considered. As the number of deaths increases, the victim's name is not arbitrarily listed, such as alphabetical or chronological order, and if the text is arranged as a meaningful approach, it can have deeper empathy and meaning. By grieving together through acts of cooperative mourning, the bond becomes stronger, and thus society can become healthier. It is hoped that this study will be used as a basic study on the visual elements of memorial that can arouse empathy based on humanism. |